My friendship with Tracey from Jackie Tutt

Created by rachelmartin635 3 years ago
Tracey Pointer
I met Tracey through Tim only a few years ago.  Following our move to Hayling just round the corner from Tim and Tracey, we became friends and shared some great fun days out. Tracey was a pocket- sized whirlwind of enthusiasm and fun and always keen to go on shopping or gardening adventures with me, or just have a chat and a coffee. Once, after Tracey found a random shop on the web, we spent an entire day driving up to and round and around Farnham and then Winchester trying to find a quirky barn outlet in the middle of nowhere.  We had both decided we desperately needed to buy something but were so bitterly disappointed as it was a load of “expensive tat” (Tracey’s description). 
On another occasion we spent the day in Midhurst trawling through antique and furniture shops where Tracey splashed out on the most amazing things. A bright canary yellow vase with flashes of every other colour imaginable and a suede lampshade with a rabbit base! Such quirky, brave, style and imagination, I do not think I have ever seen in anyone else.  Tracey was always looking for bits that were unique, just like her!  Her style was everywhere in their beautiful home, every room oozed with her personality.  I loved shopping with Tracey as she gave me confidence and widened my slightly boring design palette.
As far as garden centres and garden shows were concerned, we could visit so many in one outing!  Her energy and passion for all things gardening and garden design really inspired me. Days spent at Stansted Garden Show were full of rushing around, choosing plants, and then giggling as we could not remember where from!!  Lists of plant locations, bags of goodies from the craft tents and then huge wheelbarrows full of plants back to the car followed by the great discussions about where they would be planted. I always remember Tracey’s purchase of some extortionately expensive rusty balls on wobbly stems for the grass border in their garden. We were slightly anxious that Tim was going to meet up with us before we had a chance to take the price tags off ….!  Tracey always had so much time to talk to me and was really interested in what I wanted to do in my garden and what I had to say. Always looking out for plants for me and sending over suggestions, really helped to get me started on my garden.  Tracey had such a generous, open heart and was always ready to listen and was really interested in all the details of our family and our lives.
Tracey, I really do wish I had met you so much sooner and known you for much longer.   I missed out on finding out so much about you.  Your life, your passions and your interests, which I am only now finding out through Tim and Rachel.
Our friendship, although short, was important to me Tracey and you will be really missed. 
You will be thought of every time I walk in my garden, as the plants and all the beauty and colour are you and all my future plans will be inspired by you.
Your friend Jackie x
